09 May 2012

You can replace me but you can't replace the memories you had with me.

For sure one day your life will flash before your eyes.
So you better make sure it's worth watching.

Our problem is never really our problem.
Our reaction to the problem is really our problem.
Good Afternoon!
Good Afternoon!

make that difference

love poems, friendship poems
Make That Difference ...!
If each of us were to say :
One person does not make the difference,
There would never be love and peace on earth.

If each brick were to say :
One brick does not make a wall,
There would be no house.

If each note of music were to say :
Each note does not make a symphony,
There would be no melody.

If each drop of water were to say :
One drop does not make an ocean,
There would be no sea.

If each word were to say :
One word does not make a library,
There would be no book.

If each seed were to say :
One seed does not make a field,
There would be no harvest.

If each grain of sand were to say :
One grain does not make a mountain,
There would be no land.

You and I do make the difference.
Begin today and make the difference.

OLD but still rocks:

Husband: Can i kiss you?
wife: No!
Husband: i will buy you jewelry! ...
wife: No!
... husband: i will buy you a car!
Wife: Still NO.
husband: i will take you to world trip.
wife: Still NO.
After listening all this, their kid woke up and said,"Daddy!u can kiss me, but just buy me a bicycle pleaseee" :P
When you truly care for someone, you don't look for faults . You don't look for answers . You don't look for mistakes . Instead, you fight the mistakes. You accept the faults & you overlook excuses. The measure of love is when you love without measure. There are rare chances that you'll meet the person you love & who loves you in return . So once you have it, don't ever let go. The chance might never come your way again.

You Cannot change the people around you, But you can change the people that you choose to be around.

a friend i can count on

friends poems, friendship poems

friend i can count on
When troubles come a call-in
As those gremlins often do,
And my spirit keeps on fallen
Till i feel low down and blue

When i look around for comfort,
Someone quickly jumps to mind,
One who always will support me,
And whose words are always kind.

Who will make my mood feel lighter,
Wholly help beat my troubles back,
He / she makes the sun shine brighter
And gets my spirit back on track.

Who helps the road seem straighter,
And helps me get around each bend,
Who makes each day seem greater,
And that someone is you, my friend.

a special friend

friendship poems,  friends poems

If you have a special friend,
You have the greatest treasure,
For the devotion that she shows
Will give you so much pleasure.

When troubles come your way
She's there to help you through;
She never fails or falters
In all she's asked to do.

When you need encouragement
She's there to cheer you on;
Her faith in you is constant
When other friends have gone.

Of all the precious jewels
The world could ever hold,
To have a friend like you
Is a beauty to behold.

If you have a special friend,
You have the greatest treasure,
For the devotion that she shows
Will give you so much pleasure.

Thank U & Have Fun!!
              -*- May God Bless U All....Now & 4ever -*- 

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