08 May 2012

never say i love you

i love you, love poems

Never say "I love you"
If you don't really care

Never talk of feeling
If they aren't really there

Never Hold my hand
If you mean to break my heart

Never say Forever
If you ever plan to part

Never look into my eyes
If you are telling me a lie

Never say hello
If you think you'll say Good-bye

Never say I'm the One
If you dream of more then me

Never lock-up my heart
If you don't have the key...!

friendship & love

 Friendship & Love

Friendship  is a quiet  walk in the park,

with the one you trust.

Love is when you feel like  are the only two,


Friendship is when they gaze  into your eyes,

and you know  they  care

Love is when  they gaze into your eyes.

and  it warming  you heart.

Friendship  is been close even when you,

are  far apart.

Love is  when  you can still feel their,

hands  on  your heart  when they are near.

Friendship  is  hoping that they experience

the  very  the very best

Love  is when  you bring  them the very best.

Friendship  occupies  your mind

Love occupies your soul.

Friendship  is when knowing that you will,

always  try  to  be  there  when  in need

Love  is when  you will  give  up everything,

to be by  at  their side.

Friendship  is  a warm smile  in winter.

Love is a warming  touch that sends a pulse

through  your  heart.

Friendship  can survive  without love

Love  cannot  live without friendship...

Love  You

the lord

the lord poems

Lord . . .

Grant me the serenity to accept 
a post I cannot change, courage to walk
past the computer without turning it on
when I'm running late for work, and the 
wisdom to know the difference between
"come to bed now" meaning "let's have 
some fun" and "come to bed Now" 
meaning "the computer has got to go." 

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