07 June 2012

Don't try too much to search for the good person in this world, 

instead try to make yourself the best so that your act may end someone else's search..

The only way to accept an insult is to ignore it. 
If you can't ignore it, top it. 
If you can't top it, laugh at it :D 
If you can't laugh at it, 
you probably deserved it.

Good Morning!

Your children need your presence more than your presents.

Nothing is more cute than a shy guy
trying to tell you in his Nervousness
that he Loves you ♥

No one ever gets tired of loving… 
But everyone gets tired of waiting, assuming, hearing promises, saying sorry and all the hurting.

It's really a sad moment....

Nothing Makes a Woman FEEL More Beautiful Than HER OWN Belief that She Is Beautiful ♥

Life is short, 
Break the rules, 
Forgive quickly, 
Kiss slowly, 
Love truly, 
Laugh uncontrollably, 
And never regret anything that made you Smile :)


To whiten teeth with banana peel is very safe and healthy for teeth as banana peels are a wonderful source of minerals and vitamins. They do not have the abrasiveness that other natural whiteners have and best of all they are inexpensive.


1. Brush your teeth as usual with a natural toothpaste or you can use the banana peel first and then brush.

Use a ripe banana as it has the most potassium content in it.
Peel from the bottom end as this is how monkeys peel their bananas and it will keep you from having all those loose threads.

2.Take a piece of the inside of the banana peel and gently rub around on your teeth for about 2 minutes.
The amazing minerals in the peel like potassium, magnesium and manganese absorb into your teeth and whiten them. 

A Small Story ::

An elephant took a bath in a river and was walking on the road. When it neared a bridge, it saw a pig fully soaked in mud coming from the opposite direction. The elephant quietly moved to one side, allowed the dirty pig to pass and then continued its onward journey.

The unclean pig later spoke to its friends in arrogance, “See how big I am; even the elephant was afraid of me and moved to one side to let me pass”.

On hearing this, some elephants questioned their friend, the reason for its action. Was it out of fear?

The elephant smiled and replied, “I could have easily crushed the pig under my leg, but I was clean and the pig was very unclean. By crushing it, my leg will become dirty and I wanted to avoid it. Hence, I moved aside.”

This story reveals that realized souls will avoid contact with vulgarity, not out of fear, but out of desire to keep away from impurity though they are strong enough to destroy the impurity.

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